Due: 11:59 pm, November 13, 2020
Welcome to the second assignment of this course! The objective of the Assignment 2 is to
The following figure demonstrates the structure of assignment 2. Given a gray image, dividing it into eight 1-bit planes to highlight the contribution made to total image appearance by specific bits.
Use Pycharm as python editior. You need to prepare such packages:
Make sure your code can be run completely bug-free. Our staff will run the codes, so make sure nothing stop the running.
Following the procedure to submit your work:
"DIP07010667-hw2-{name}-{id}-2020autumn".format(name="john", id="123456")
for instance: DIP07010667-hw2-john-123456-2020autumn
*2020-2021 1st term, DIP 07010667 : Digital Image Processing. International Exchange Center, Weifang University of Science and Technology. Course Instructor: Guoxu Liu.